NEWS 2002

This section of contains Crop Circle
and related news (with some exceptions), and links to further information, including news
of Millennium Research article and report releases, and other ‘Breaking News’ in areas of interest.

*      *      *

The Rally to Save the Big Tree
Final decision to be made to protect this tree on December 9th, 2002.

*      *      *

UFO Magazine (US) December / January Issue

Read a review of Ed and Kris' recent MUFON LA talk entitled
'Crop Circles and Sound : A Twelve Year Investigation'
in the December/January issue of UFO Magazine (US)
By Camille James Harman

*      *      *

October 31, 2002

UFO Magazine November / December Issue

Kris' new article on 'ball plasma' and 'beams of light' published in UFO Magazine (UK)
November/December 'bumper' issue.
Available now in the UK and in America the first week of December.


September 25, 2002

New Article Posting!

Non-Manmade Crop Circles
As a “Vacuum Domain" Phenomenon

An Aspect of the Physics Involved?

By Kris Sherwood

This latest research article explores the physics, and psycho-interactive nature, of the "Balls of Light"
and "Beams of Light" often associated with non-manmade Crop Circle creation. While connecting
previously unrecognized and startling new scientific studies with the "plasma" and luminosity phenomenon
reported worldwide, and often associated with non-manmade Crop Circle creation, it contains what we
consider to be important new information in support of the physics and science behind both phenomena.

*      *      *

September 22, 2002

Autumnal Equinox Meditation Psychic Photography Results

*      *      *

September 21, 2002

News Flash!

Well known, and highly respected radio talk show host Jeff Rense has just posted an Internet
Exclusive link, on his excellent and informative website, to Kris’ major new article which examines the
enigmatic worldwide phenomenon of “Ball Plasmas and Beams of Light” often seen and reported in
association with Crop Circle formations, and other sacred sites. In this article, that features contributing
research by Ed, Kris looks at the possible connection of these luminosities with startling and newly
recognized principles of planetary physics that could very likely be involved in non-manmade Crop Circle
creation. Find it on The Jeff Rense Website Headlines page and click on the link:
“Ball Plasmas, Light Beams – Crop Circle Physics Explored” for the full story.

*      *      *

September 6, 2002

Crop Circle Update 2002
Pittston, Maine USA - August 4, 2002

*      *      *

CNN Interview with Ed & Kris Sherwood

August 2nd, 2002

CNN – American Morning
CNN – Live Today with Paula Zahn

Click to hear & view with Real Media
Click to hear & view with Windows Media

First aired in conjunction with the release of the movie ‘Signs’, staring Mel Gibson.
Later airings included CNN’s International Network, broadcast in 15 different countries.

Click for information about this and other interviews with Ed & Kris Sherwood.

July 12th, 2002

Paul Clinton, CNN’s Film Critic & Movie Reviewer, interviews
Ed & Kris Sherwood for CNN

In an in-depth three and a half hour interview CNN asks us what we think about the movie ‘Signs’,
and our views about the worldwide Crop Circle phenomenon.

Broadcast in the context of a movie review of the film ‘Signs’, this interview featured us
as representatives of the genuine, non-manmade Crop Circle phenomenon,
and also included interviews with the film’s star, Mel Gibson; director M. Night Shyamalan;
and debunker Irving Beiderman.

*      *      *

August 2002

The 'Signs' Media Wave Breaks in the US

*      *      *
July 24, 2002

Special Meditation Event

A Globally Synchronized Meditation Event has been organized by German Crop Circle
researchers Joachim Koch and Hans-Juergen Kyborg, to be held at 23:00 GMT on this date.
Joachim and Hans have enlisted the support of a large number of Native American tribal
representatives, and countless other spiritually motivated beings who will unite in Love
for our Planet for this very special meditation event with all "friends, brothers and sisters"
of the Earth.

*      *      *

July 15

Ed and Kris Sherwood guest on
The Jeff Rense Radio Talk Program


Featured was a discussion of Ed’s latest article Crop Circle Co-Creation 2001,
and Kris’ recent article Deus ex Sol, among other topics relating to their nearly 30
years combined research into the non-manmade Crop Circle phenomenon.
(Real Player or Media Player required)

Listen to the program

View the images discussed during the program


*      *      *

July 9, 2002


Crop Circle Co-Creation - 2001
Signs of a Psycho-Spiritual 'Source' Behind Non-Manmade Crop Circle
Creation at a Place called Gog Magog

By Ed Sherwood

Posted on the 'Articles' page of
it contains 'Decoding' information relating to 8 non-manmade Crop Circle formations.

*      *      *

June 27, 2002

UFO Magazine - August Issue The Cereologist

'UFO Magazine' (UK) publishes in its July Issue (left) Ed's new article
'Crop Circle Co-Creation - 2001: Signs of a Psycho-Spiritual 'Source'
Behind Non-Manmade Crop Circle Creation at a Place called Gog Magog - Part 1

Part 2 followed in its August issue (right).

Also published in its entirety in the Autumn 2002 issue (#33) of The Cereologist.

*      *      *

June 21, 2002

Summer Solstice Meditation

Join us and many others around the world who will be meditating on visions
of Global Peace and Earth Healing, throughout this sacred day of the Solar year.
We will be sending our thoughts and prayers to some of the areas and issues around the world
most critically in need of receiving positive psychokinetic energy,
such as the Holy Land and other parts of the Mid & Far-East.

We also encourage participants to focus the spotlight of their attention on those areas
and issues around the world that you feel in most need of your positive energies;
and where you are inspired to focus on.

For more information on our regularly scheduled meditation activities please scroll down
to the Events section of this page. For other organized meditation events for this day worldwide
check Barbara Wolf's Global Meditations Calendar.

*      *      *

May 2002

A Place to Stay Premiers at Cannes Film Festival

A more reverent and fact based motion picture depiction of the Crop Circle phenomenon
premiers at the Cannes Film Festival this month. Set in the glorious Wiltshire Countryside this film
is due for release in England in August. It's welcome arrival synchronously coincides with the debut in America
of the Mel Gibson film "Signs", which unfortunately and totally erroneously associates
the non-manmade phenomenon to an "evil alien" source.

*      *      *

April 28/29, 2002


Ed & Kris Sherwood guest on Art Bell's Coast to Coast AM
Guest Hosted by Barbara Simpson
11pm - 3am PST
Topic: Crop Circle Co-Creation
Art Bell Past Show Archives
Main Page (Scroll down to April 28th listing)
(Subscription required to listen to the show)
Subscribe to Art Bell Program Archives

*      *      *

March 22, 2002



Deus ex Sol
Solar Logos and Helioseismology
Depicted in Crop Circle Formations

by Kris Sherwood

Newly posted on,
it contains 'Decoding' information relating to 5 non-manmade Crop Circle

*      *      *

March 6-7, 2002

'Having a Blast' at the 11th International UFO Congress Convention

Held at The River Palms Hotel & Casino in Laughlin, Nevada for the past six years, the
eleventh international UFO Congress Convention and film festival (March 3 - 9, 2002), which I could
only attend for two days was, like in 2001, a very enjoyable experience.

Amongst listening to some new and fascinating information and evidence significant to Ufology,
the high point of my visit was definitely meeting the team of
UFO Magazine UK (from top to bottom and left
to right) Graham Birdsall (Editor), Ed Sherwood, Christine Birdsall (Administration),
Helen Birdsall & Melanie Flarty (Creative Director).


Photographs 2002 Ed Sherwood/Millennium Research

February 2002

'UFO Magazine' (UK) publishes, in its February Issue, Kris' new article
'Deus ex Sol: Solar Logos and Helioseismology
Depicted in Crop Circle Formations'.

It was also subsequently published in 'The Cereologist' (No 32), 'Flying Saucer Review',
and the June issue of 'The Sedona Journal of Emergence'.

*      *      *

February 6, 2002

Ed and Kris were guests on the webcast radio program 'Fields of Dreams',
hosted by CCCRN's founder and director Paul Anderson.
View a page of images that illustrated the topics discussed during the show.

*      *      *


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