Crop Circle Update 2002 - Pittston, Maine USA |
By Kris & Ed Sherwood |
Thus far, we have not seen one decidedly non-manmade Crop Circle
formation in
2002 in the UK, or Germany for that matter; Canada has reported a
few interesting
formations, as has The Netherlands. Despite this, there has been
at least one, and likely
two, non-manmade Crop Circle formations
in the United States. |
Photo © 2002 Paul Spera |
The one Crop Circle to appear in America this year, that we
are confident was a
certifiably non-manmade formation Co-created by what we
consider to be the
Primary Source
of non-manmade Crop Circle creation, was reported in Pittston,
Maine, on August 4, 2002. Although there was another Crop
Circle that sounds
very likely, from the evidence being reported, to be of
non-manmade origin that
appeared near
Teton, Idaho, (originally
reported on the
Jeff Rense website) this short
report will highlight the formation that appeared in Maine.
The Pittston Crop Circle, which was discovered in a hayfield
of tall grasses that
contained many species of plants, was a proportioned
set of three ellipses. It’s
appearance was accompanied by the characteristic reports of
unusual light
phenomena seen in the area on the night it was formed (see
photo below), and
reactions of the
local animals was also reported. Photographer Paul Spera, who
formation shortly after it was discovered, took photos,
interviewed local
residents, and submitted his report to The Jeff Rense website
where we initially read it.
Paul has generously given us
permission to excerpt from
his report, and also include some
of the photos he took at the
site of this beautiful
formation, which measured at
over 100 feet in length. |
Photo © 2002 Mark
Archambault |
Photo © 2002 Paul Spera |

Photo © 2002 Mark
Archambault |
What first looked like Circles were actually slightly oval in
shape, and were swirled
off-center and clockwise with a flowing layered effect which, as
Paul reported,
included the observation that the fragile Milkweed plants had been
gently bent and
laid down without damage “on top” of the other plants in the
formation; additionally
remarkable considering the Milkweed plants were shorter, more
delicate, and more
easily bruised than the other plants in the formation.
There were several very intriguing synchronicities that
particularly struck us about
formation, and inspired us to write further comments about it.
As many know who have studied the Crop Circle phenomenon, and as
we have
personally experienced in stunning and extraordinary ways: the
Crop Circle source demonstrates a highly psycho-interactive
nature, and
frequently has been observed to mirror the thoughts and actions of
those paying
particular attention to it. This seemed to us to again be very
much the case with this
formation as well.
Among the significant synchronicities that struck us about the
hayfield ellipses were:
At the time they appeared Ed had been working on a diagram of a
very similar set of
Circles that had appeared near Oro-Mendonte Township in Canada in
Oro-Mendonte Township
Crop Circle Formation
Silhouette Drawing
© 2002 Ed Sherwood |
Pittston Crop Circle Formation
Silhouette Drawing
© 2002 Ed Sherwood
Based on formation measurements
by Mark Archambault |
At that time we were also in the midst of
doing many radio interviews that we were
asked to do as a result of the increased interest in the Crop
Circle phenomenon
generated by the film ‘Signs’; interviews in which we had
numerously spoken of the
Laguna Canyon Crop Circle formation of 1996 that we had done a
thorough report
and investigation of. In our radio interviews,
done mostly in the first week of August when
the Pittston formation appeared, we repeatedly mentioned the
fact that the Laguna formation
had also appeared in a grassy
area comprised of many species of plants.
The Pittston Circles were similarly remarkable in that they
were also comprised of many
species of plants, but two in
particular stood out visually, which were Clover and Queen
Lace. In the Laguna formation two species also stood
out, in that they were selectively bent
by the Circle
creating force; they were English Plantain and Wild Oats.
Queen Anne’s
Lace is a fragile white flower-clustered plant
with a very brittle stalk, much
like the Canola plants
that early season British Crop Circles
appear in. It is a relative of
the Wild Carrot, and is also
like Canola in the way it is very
easily snapped and broken
when bent; it also wilts very
quickly when damaged. The Queen
Anne’s Lace throughout
the Pittston Circles, as can be
seen in the photos, is
standing up healthily without any
evidence of wilting, breakage, or
damage, as is the Clover.
Pittston Crop
Circle Luminosity
Photo © 2002 Mark
Archambault |
The location of the Pittston Circles was also highly
synchronous to Kris since they were located
just thirty miles
from the Camden, Maine birthplace and home of Kris’ lifelong
favorite poet,
and creative writing inspiration: Edna St.
Vincent Millay (as can be found referenced in
Bio on our website). Not
only was Kris born in St. Vincent’s Hospital,
but was also born
on Miss Millay’s birthdate of February 22,
and has felt a strong
spiritual bond with
her since first discovering her writings
as a young girl. The two
most identifiable plants in
the Maine Crop Circle immediately
rang a bell with Kris, and
a poem written decades previously
by Miss Millay containing
reference to the formation’s two prominent plants sprang to
mind in an
intuitive flash of recognition. The poem was
an imagined description of the author herself,
written by her
from the hypothetical perspective of a neighbor, and finishes
the enigmatic lines:
Her lawn looks like a meadow,
And if she mows the place
She leaves the clover standing
And the Queen Anne’s lace!
This seems to describe vividly the lovely Pittston event “to a
T”, and
lends an additionally meaningful interpretation for us as
Kris & Ed Sherwood © 2002 Millennium Research
Photos © 2002 Paul Spera & Mark Archambault
Many thanks to Paul Spera and Mark Archambault for allowing us
to include
some of their observations, and photos in this report.
For Paul’s original report on the
Jeff Rense website:
Crop Circles in Maine
The Edna St. Vincent Millay poem quoted from is one of Miss
Millay’s more
whimsical pieces, and is entitled Portrait by a
Neighbor. Below is the complete text:
From ‘Collected Poems’
By Edna St. Vincent Millay
Published by Harper & Row
Portrait by a Neighbor
Before she has her floor swept
Or her dishes done,
Any day you’ll find her
A-sunning in the sun!
It’s long after midnight
Her key’s in the lock,
And you never see her chimney smoke
Till past ten o’clock!
She digs in her garden
With a shovel and a spoon,
She weeds her lazy lettuce
By the light of the moon,
She walks up the walk
Like a woman in a dream,
She forgets she borrowed butter
And pays you back cream!
Her lawn looks like a meadow,
And if she mows the place
She leaves the clover standing
And the Queen Anne’s lace!
© Ed & Kris Sherwood/Millennium Research 2002
P.O. Box 2084
Santa Monica, CA