Ed & Kris Sherwood's

Radio - TV & Video Archives

This list is a record of our research made available
in the form of radio interviews, and various contributions to television
and film productions. Some of the following are available online
or, as in the case of videos, are available for purchase
from the original source as noted.

To bypass scrolling for the following information click on title:


Click below for 'RealPlayer' or 'Media Player'
to hear our linked online radio interviews:


2009 Appearances

Coast to Coast AM with George Noory
July 5, 2009

“UFO’s, Crop Circles & The Collective Mind”

3-hour interview with Ed and Kris Sherwood

See show listing link above for further links to images and
videos discussed on show. (membership not required to access)

Coast to Coast membership required to
listen to show through Past Show Archives

Dreamland hosted by Whitley Strieber
Saturday June 13, 2009
‘Initiating Contact”
Hour-long interview with Ed and Kris Sherwood

The Paracast with Gene Steinberg and Christopher O’Brien
April 12, 2009
Two-hour interview with Ed and Kris Sherwood

“This week we present investigators and experiencers, Ed and Kris Sherwood, who will bring
you up to date on the mysterious Crop Circles. Are they pranks, messages from a universal
consciousness, or manifestations of ET? Or all of the above?”
Audio of interview is linked on the above The Paracast page.

X-Squared Radio with Brooks Agnew
March 22, 2009

On Crop Circles and related phenomena
Two-hour interview with Ed and Kris Sherwood

“A stunning appearance on tonight’s program
with amazing new findings and insights…”

Archived interview Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

2007 Appearances

Cariel’s Heartlink Institute’s Heartlink Radio Program
December 19, 2007

On Crop Circles and Related Phenomena
An hour-long interview with Ed and Kris Sherwood

Listen to the Show

2006 Appearances

Coast to Coast AM with Gerge Noory
September 29, 2006

Topics discussed included: Recent daylight UFO sightings videotaped
above Santa Monica, worldwide UFO trends, and Crop Circles.
A 30-minute interview with Ed and Kris Sherwood

CLICK HERE for this archived show’s listing.

Audio available in the Past Show Archives (Coast to Coast membership required)

X-Squared Radio
January 22, 2006

On Crop Circles and related phenomena
One-hour interview with Ed and Kris Sherwood

2005 Appearances

Coast to Coast AM with Gerge Noory
November 2, 2005

“Crop Circles, Consciousness, and Phenomena”
A three-hour interview with Ed and Kris Sherwood.

View images discussed on show

Audio available in the Past Show Archives (Coast to Coast membership required)

 2004 Appearances

KJLL AM Tuscon (Arizona)
Hosted by Fred Imus & Nicole Cox
March 12th 2004
‘Crop Circle’ Discussion
15 minute Interview
With Ed & Kris Sherwood



2003 Appearances

Coast to Coast AM with Gerge Noory (Formerly The Art Bell Show)
March 26/27, 2003

“Howard Bloom & Crop Circles”
With Ed and Kris Sherwood (second half of 4 hour show)

Broadcast Live on over 200 radio stations Internationally, the two-hour interview
is available through Coast to Coast’s Past Show Archives (membership required)

The Jeff Rense Radio Program
Hosted by
Jeff Rense
(Access the program page and scroll to the October 30th 2003 listing.)
November 30th, 2003
Hear news of their
Crop Circle related research
trip to England;
several filmed ‘Psycho-interactive’ UFO sightings; ‘Beams of light’; and their thoughts
about some mysterious unseen aerial ‘objects’ recorded on film.
2 Hour Interview with Ed & Kris Sherwood.

2002 Appearances


KXDD FM, Yakima, WA
The Morning Gang
Hosts: Jennifer Wilde & Dewey
October 9th 2002
Topics discussed during the program: (As listed for August 1st 2002)
15 Min. Interview
With Kris Sherwood

FM (Los Angeles)
Valentine’s Show (Pre-Recorded Interview for his Nationally syndicated show)
August 1st 2002
Topics discussed during the show:
Our view of the new movie ‘Signs’; ‘Who’ and ‘What’ has been creating
the worldwide Crop Circle phenomenon; Biophysical evidence;
The 1996 Laguna Canyon Crop Circle ‘Pictogram’,
and its relationship to UK Crop Circle formations.

10 Min. Interview
With Ed & Kris Sherwood

KROQ (Los Angeles)
The Kevin & Bean Show (Live Interview)
August 2nd 2002
Topics discussed during the show: (As listed for August 1st 2002)
10 Min. Interview
With Ed & Kris Sherwood

K-EARTH 101 FM (Los Angeles)
Show (Live Interview)
August 2nd 2002
Topics discussed during the show: (As listed for August 1st 2002)
10 Min. Interview
With Ed & Kris Sherwood

WTIC 1080 AM ‘Conneticut Today’
The Bruce Show (Live Interview)
August 2nd 2002
Topics discussed during the show: (As listed for August 1st 2002)
10 Min. Interview
With Ed & Kris Sherwood

Star – 94 WSTR -FM (Atlanta)
The Steve & Vikki Morning Show (Live Interview)
August 5th 2002
Topics discussed during the show: (As listed for August 1st 2002)
10 Min. Interview
With Ed & Kris Sherwood

KGNW AM (Seattle)
The Dick Staub Show
August 5th 2002
Topics discussed during the show: (As listed for August 1st 2002)
20 Min. Interview
With Ed & Kris Sherwood

TLC Radio – 107.0 FM Otahuhu (New Zealand)
Host: Mike & Steve
August 6th 2002
Topics discussed during the show: (As listed for August 1st 2002)
10 Min. Interview
With Kris Sherwood

WBL1 – 106.1 (New York)
The Steve & Maria Morning Show
August 7th 2002
Topics discussed during the show: (As listed for August 1st 2002)
10 Min. Interview
With Ed Sherwood

The Ed Coffee Show (Pennsylvania)
August 9th 2002
Topics discussed during the show: (As listed for August 1st 2002)
10 Min. Interview
With Ed & Kris Sherwood

KSII – 93.1 (El Paso)
Hosts: Mike, Martinez & Lara
August 9th 2002
Topics discussed during the show: (As listed for August 1st 2002)
15 Min. Interview
With Ed & Kris Sherwood

KDKB 93.3 FM (Pheonix)
‘Tim & Mark Show’ (Live Interview)
August 12th 2002
Topics discussed during the show: (As listed for August 1st 2002)
10 Min. Interview
With Ed & Kris Sherwood

WXPT 104.1
‘The Morning Mix Show’ with Carmen & Chris
August 14th 2002
Topics discussed during the show: (As listed for August 1st 2002)
10 Min. Interview
With Ed & Kris Sherwood

The Bear 100.3 (Alberta)
Host: Hurricane Huber
August 28th 2002
Topics discussed during the show: (As listed for August 1st 2002)
10 Min. Interview
With Ed & Kris Sherwood

Jeff Rense Talk Radio Program
July 15, 2002
Two-hour interview with Ed and Kris Sherwood.

Featured was a discussion of Ed’s latest article ‘Crop Circle Co-Creation 2001’
and Kris’ recent article Deus ex Sol, among other topics relating to their nearly
30 years combined research of the non-manmade Crop Circle phenomenon.

View Images discussed during program.

The UFO Experience
Hosted by Roy Timm
May 28th 2002
Crop Circle Co-Creation
1 Hour Interview
With Ed & Kris Sherwood

The UFO Experience
Roy Timm's internet radio show on Artist First Program schedule.
Hosted by Roy Timm
June 11th 2002
Crop Circle Co-Creation
1 Hour Interview
With Ed & Kris Sherwood

Art Bell's 'Coast to Coast' AM
Guest Hosted by Barbara Simpson
April 28/29th 2002
11am - 4am
Crop Circles Co-Creation
4 Hour Interview
With Ed & Kris Sherwood

Art Bell Past Show Archives
Main Page (Scroll down to April 28th listing)
(Subscription required to listen to the show)
Direct link to show listing on past show list

Subscribe to Art Bell Program Archives
George Noory Show KTRS 550 AM
Hosted by George Noory
April 19th 2002
10-11pm (Local Time St Louis, Missouri)
Crop Circles
With Ed & Kris Sherwood

February 6, 2002
Ed and Kris were guests on the webcast radio program 'Fields of Dreams',
hosted by CCCRN's founder and director Paul Anderson.
View a page of images that illustrated the topics discussed during the show.



2001 Appearances

WPON AM Detroit
Hosted by Joyce Hagelthorn
August 21st 2001
The Crop Circle Season of 2001:
Including the Crop Circle Deception at Chilbolton
1 Hour Interview
With Ed & Kris Sherwood

WPON AM Detroit
Hosted by Joyce Hagelthorn
May 22nd 2001
Crop Circles
1 Hour Interview
With Ed & Kris Sherwood

AM Denver
Hosted by Patrick Herda
March 24th 2001
Psychic Photography & 'Balls of Light'
1 Hour Interview
With Ed & Kris Sherwood
Ron Jagger also guested.

WPON AM Detroit
Hosted by Joyce Hagelthorn
February 20th 2001
Crop Circles
1 Hour Interview
With Ed & Kris Sherwood

2000 Appearances

The Jeff Rense Radio Talk program
Hosted by Jeff Rense
December 20th, 2000
Crop Circle and Psychic Photography Research, featuring discussion of 9 online
examples of 'Balls of Light' photographed during our research experiments.
1 1/2 Hour Interview (Second half of 3 hour program)
With Ed & Kris Sherwood

WPON AM Detroit
Hosted by Joyce Hagelthorn
December 5th 2000
'Exploring The Psyche'
1 Hour Interview
With Ed & Kris Sherwood

WPON AM Detroit
Hosted by Joyce Hagelthorn
September 12th 2000
'Balls of Light' Associated With Crop Circle Creation
1 Hour Interview
With Ed & Kris Sherwood

Hosted by Whitley Streiber
August 20th 2000
The East Kennett Crop Circle Unidentified Aerial Craft Sighting
30 Min. Interview by Linda M. Howe
With Ed & Kris Sherwood
See Linda's written interview on Earthfiles.com: 'Headline News'

The Jeff Rense Radio Talk Show
Hosted by Jeff Rense
February 24th, 2000*
About Crop Circles and our Psychic Photography Gallery and Research
1 1/2 Hour Interview (Second half of 3 Hour Program)
With Ed & Kris Sherwood

*Rebroadcast on 'The Best of Rense' February 26th, 2000

1999 Appearances

Cyber TV/Radio Show
Hosted by Paul Garson
November 3rd 1999
Crop Circles & Mysterious 'Balls of Light'
1 Hour Interview
With Ed & Kris Sherwood

Hosted by
The July 11th 1999 Total Solar Eclipse UFO Sighting
30 Min. Interview by Linda M Howe
With Ed & Kris Sherwood

'Coast to Coast' AM
With Host Art Bell
January 22nd 1999
Crop Circles and 'Balls of Light' Photography
3 Hour Interview
With Ed & Kris Sherwood

1998 Appearances

Imagine Radio
Hosted by Hilly Rose
November 3rd 1998
Crop Circles
1 Hour Interview
With Ed & Kris Sherwood

'Coast to Coast' AM
The Art Bell Radio Talk Show
With Guest Host Hilly Rose
October 21st 1998
Crop Circles
3 Hour Interview
With Ed & Kris Sherwood

BBC Bristol Radio
Hosted by
May 5th 1998
The 1998 'Beltane Wheel' Crop Circle Formation
10 Min. On-site (US to UK Crop Circle) telephone Interview
With Ed Sherwood

1997 Appearances

BBC Radio Derby
August 4th 1997
Crop Circles
30 min Interview
With Ed Sherwood

BBC Radio Swindon
July 19th 1997
Crop Circles
With Ed Sherwood

1996 Appearances

Coast to Coast AM
Hosted by Art Bell
October 20th 1996
The 1996 Laguna Canyon Crop Circle Formation
30 min. Interview by Linda Moulton Howe
With Ed Sherwood

KLSX FM Los Angeles
Hosted by Rickie Rachman
June 8th 1996
UFOs & ET Contact
With Ed Sherwood

KLSX FM Los Angeles
Hosted by Rickie Rachman
June 5th 1996
The 1996 Laguna Canyon Crop Circle Formation
With Ed Sherwood

KROQ FM Los Angeles
June 5th 1996
The 1996 Laguna Canyon Crop Circle Formation
With Ed Sherwood

Blue File- Radio Irvine
May 7th 1996
The 1996 Laguna Canyon Crop Circle Formation
With Ed Sherwood

1995 Appearances

Nottingham University Radio
May 22nd 1995
UFOs & ET Contact
With Ed Sherwood

BBC Radio Bristol
Hosted by Dave Barratt
May 2nd 1995
UFOs & ET Contact
With Ed Sherwood

BBC Radio Bristol
Hosted by Dave Barratt
April 3rd 1995
UFOs & ET Contact
With Ed Sherwood

BBC Radio Bristol
Hosted by Dave barratt
February 16th 1995
UFOs & ET Contact
With Ed Sherwood

Spires FM Salisbury
February 14th 1995
UFOs, Crop Circles & ET Contact
With Ed Sherwood

BBC Radio Swindon
February 10th 1995
UFOs & Crop Circles
With Ed Sherwood

1994 Appearances

BBC Radio Swindon
July 27th 1994
UFOs & ET Contact
With Ed Sherwood

GWR Swindon
Hosted by Dave Barratt
July 26th 1994
& 1 Hour Show
UFOs, Crop Circles & ET Contact
With Ed Sherwood

This special program broadcast live from a hill associated with UFO activity
included a 20 minute guided Earth Healing Visualization Meditation
(given by Ed) supported by radio listeners.

An unconditional mass (listening audience) psychic 'invitation'
to participate was also sent out to any ET group
benevolent towards humanity. Amazingly, several dramatic UFO events
occurred moments before and after the live radio meditation.

GWR Swindon - "Late Night Live"
Hosted by Dave Barratt
May 4th 1994
UFOs, Crop Circles & ET Contact
1 Hour Show
With Ed Sherwood

GWR Swindon - "Late Night Live"
Hosted by Dave Barratt
January 20th 1994
UFOs, Crop Circles & ET Contact
2 Hour Show
With Ed Sherwood

1993 Appearances

BBC Swindon
Crop Circles
With Ed Sherwood

BBC Bristol
Crop Circles
With Ed Sherwood

This was Ed Sherwood's first radio interview.

February 23, 2006

The Travel Channel series ‘Weird Travels’ episode on ‘UFOs and Alien Encounters’.
First aired on Friday, February 24th 2006, Monday, February 27th, and subsequently rerun numerous times.

Among topics discussed with Ed and Kris Sherwood were 'Unidentified Flying Humanoids'
and included footage of UFHs captured by Ed Sherwood in Santa Monica, and by others in Mexico.

August 11th, 2002

Inside Edition with Deborah Norville

First aired August 11, and was widely broadcast on Nationally syndicated networks in conjunction
with the release of the movie the ‘Signs’.

August 6th, 2002

TLC (The Learning Channel) Crop Circle Documentary:
“Crop Circles - In Search of a Sign”

First aired August 6, and was subsequently re-broadcast several times in the following weeks.

CNN Interview with Ed & Kris Sherwood

August 2nd, 2002

CNN – American Morning
CNN – Live Today with Paula Zahn


Click to hear & view interview

First aired in conjunction with the release of the movie ‘Signs’, staring Mel Gibson.
Later airings included CNN’s International Network, broadcast in 15 different countries

July 12th, 2002

Paul Clinton, CNN’s Film Critic & Movie Reviewer, interviews
Ed & Kris Sherwood for CNN

In an in-depth three and a half hour interview CNN asks us what we think about the movie ‘Signs’,
and our views about the worldwide Crop Circle phenomenon.

Broadcast in the context of a movie review of the film ‘Signs’, this interview featured us
as representatives of the genuine, non-manmade Crop Circle phenomenon,
and also included interviews with the film’s star, Mel Gibson; director M. Night Shyamalan;
and debunker Irving Beiderman.

July 11th, 2002

Inside Edition with Deborah Norville

Broadcast on Nationally syndicated networks

July 3rd, 2002

Inside Edition
interviews Ed & Kris Sherwood

In an in-depth three hour interview Inside Edition asks us what we think about the movie ‘Signs’,
and our views about the worldwide Crop Circle phenomenon.

April 22nd, 2002 & May 1st, 2002

TLC (The Learning Channel) for their Crop Circle Documentary “Crop Circles in Search of a Sign”
(The actual program is listed as aired above)

In hours of in-depth interviews on these dates the TLC production team asked us what we think
about the movie ‘Signs’, and our views on the worldwide Crop Circle phenomenon.
(Both of us were interviewed at length in various locations but, in editing the many hours of footage
that TLC recorded for the program, unfortunately only a portion of Kris’ interview made it into the final cut.)

'History's Mysteries' Series
Featuring: Crop Circle Controversy
The History Channel (US)
'Light Orb' Photos Taken by Ed & Kris Sherwood Included in Program
Program First Aired: January 29th 2001

The 'Y' Files
Featuring: Decoding A Crop Circle Hologram
Cable 1 Television Series (UK)
Ed Sherwood Interviewed By Dave Barratt:
August 12th 1997

Channel 4 News
Featuring: The 1996 Laguna Canyon Crop Circle Formation
Channel 4 Television (US)
Ed & Kris Sherwood's '1996 Laguna Canyon Crop Circle Report'
Included in 'News' Segment:
April (?) 1996

US & Japanese Television Documentary
Featuring: UFOs & Crop Circles in the Vale of Pewsey
Studio Garage Inc. (US)
Ed Sherwood Interviewed:
September 14th 1994

Meridian News
Featuring: UFOs & Crop Circles in the Vale of Pewsey
Meridian Television (UK)
Ed Sherwood Interviewed:
September 13th 1994

Featuring: UFOs & Crop Circles in the Vale of Pewsey
Discovery Channel (US)
Ed Sherwood Interviewed:
September 13th 1994

HTV Documentary
Featuring: UFOs & Crop Circles in the Vale of Pewsey
Ed Sherwood Interviewed:
July 24th 1994




CircleSpeak, the critically acclaimed major feature length documentary on the Crop Circle phenomenon.
Produced by New Land Films; released in 2005, filmed and copyrighted in 2001.
Watch the Promo



Ed & Kris Sherwood’s talk, slide, and video presentation ‘Crop Circle Answers
‘Who’ or ‘What’ has been Creating the Worldwide Crop Circle Phenomenon, and Why?’
at the 13th Annual International UFO Congress Convention
on February 9th, 2004 in Laughlin, Nevada, is now available.

Click to Order a Tape of this Presentation: (Vol. #437) 90 Mins.
(Order form in pdf format.)

Or contact:

Bob & Terri Brown
International UFO Congress
9975 Wadsworth Parkway, #K2-504
Westminster, CO 80021
Phone (303) 543-9443
Fax (303) 543-8667
E-Mail: ufocongress@msn.com

10th Annual International UFO Congress Conference
Crop Circle Presentation:
Crop Circle Creation: An Eye Witness View From The Fields
By Ed & Kris Sherwood
March 4th 2001

(Vol. #333) 80 Mins.

To Order a Tape of this Presentation

10th Annual International UFO Congress Conference
Post Presentation:
Crop Circle Panel
With Ron Russell, Ed Sherwood, Andy Thomas, Simeon Hein
& Peter Sorenson
March 4th 2001

(Vol. #335) 112 Mins.

To Order a Tape of this Presentation

* Copies of the Crop Circle presentation
and post presentation panel can be ordered from the
International UFO Congress, 9975 Wadsworth Pkwy # K2-504
Westminster, CO 80021 USA


History's Mysteries
Crop Circle Controversy
The History Channel (US)

(As Shown on Television: January 29th 2001)

Crop Circles: The Research (Original version)
Producer: Bert Janssen (Netherlands)

Featuring: An In-depth Interview With Ed Sherwood
about his experience and ability to sense 'Balls of Light'
associated with non-manmade Crop Circle creation

*Note: If you order this tape be sure to request to the original version.

International UFO Congress Crop Circle Presentation
2nd Annual Summer Seminars:
The Best of the 1998 Crop Circles
By Kris Sherwood
August 8th 1998

(Vol. #251) 65 Mins.

* Copies of this Crop Circle presentation
can be ordered from the International UFO Congress,
9975 Wadsworth Pkwy #K2-504, Westminster
CO 80021 USA



Copyright 2001-2016 Ed & Kris Sherwood
All Rights Reserved

Please make any inquiries to:


Copyright 2001-2016 Ed & Kris Sherwood CropCircleAnswers.com. All Rights Reserved.
Publication and dissemination of the contents of this page or any part of this web site
are expressly prohibited without prior CropCircleAnswers.com
written consent.

Please make any inquiries to: millennium9@earthlink.net


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