Astounding new Marine Lightwheel Sighting by US Navy Ship in
the Arabian Gulf
By Kris Sherwood
Please also refer to
report of
another recent and extraordinary sighting, also reported to me by a Navy
Ship’s crew but two years previously, in May, 2007.
Documented with eyewitness
reports of April 11, 2009, by the Ship’s Commander and
Officers of the USS Milius
On the morning of April 12, 2009 I received the following
email from the Commander of a US Warship currently on
deployment in the Arabian Gulf (also known as the Persian
I am the Commanding Officer of a US Navy Ship currently
deployed in the Arabian Gulf. On the 11th of April, 2009, we
witnessed the Lightwheel phenomena. It was incredible!! In
our efforts to figure out what we witnessed, one of our
sailors located your report on the internet. Thanks!”
USS Milius
at sea displaying battle ensign.
USS Milius’ website; Public Domain image. |
The Commander went on to say that 50 of his crew had been
astounded to have witnessed an “Incredible!”, enormous and
lengthy occurrence of the ‘Marine Lightwheel’ phenomenon (Ref.
1, 2, 3 & 4), though they didn’t realize what it was they were
witnessing at the time, and had all been utterly stunned and
incredulous at what they had seen.
This stunning new report came to me under
nearly the same circumstances as another spectacular
sighting of this same little known, but ‘mythic’ among those
who have heard of it, phenomenon by another Navy ship’s crew
in 2007 in the Strait of Hormuz, and whose crewmembers had
also contacted me by email after their sighting in May of
that year. I had written and disseminated an article
documenting that report at the time. (Ref. 5) In both cases
the astonished crewmembers had done immediate internet
searches after their experiences, attempting to learn the
nature of the incredible geometric ‘light show’ they had
witnessed that had spanned the sea to the horizon, and were
led to my articles and email address.
On the morning of April 12, 2009, as had been the case in
May 2007, one of the Milius’ crew had searched the internet,
found my published writings on the Marine Lightwheel
phenomenon and, since my previous articles are among the
first links to come up in a quick web search of the subject,
they contacted me. They said my articles described exactly
what they had seen and they had then understood that an
incredible Marine Lightwheel event was what they had
witnessed. The ship’s Commander sent the first inquiring
email, which I immediately replied to, and that was followed
shortly with his, and other witnesses’ accounts, including a
full report of the event by the ship’s Navigator.
The first article I wrote on this rare and nearly ‘mythic’
phenomenon was published in 1997, and since then I’ve
received a handful of additional, and subsequent sightings
that were not in the records when I first researched and
wrote about the subject. Some reports were actually brought
to my attention as a result of its publication, and followed
my discussing the subject on widely broadcast radio programs
that my husband and research partner, Ed Sherwood, have
guested on. Documentation of some of these sightings are
included in my previous articles (See Refs), and were mainly
by single or double witnesses. None of those few had
occurred more recently than 1997. Never before have so many
credible and recent witnesses, such as an extraordinary 50
members of the US Navy, reported encountering this
phenomenon so spectacularly, and under such compelling
This extraordinary new sighting by an unprecedented number
of highly credible witnesses, including the Commander of the
USS Milius, CDR Kendall Gennick, his Executive Officer, and
Navigator, along with several dozen of his crew, is riveting
eyewitness documentation, and impressively solid evidence of
a phenomenon that still is largely unexplained and left
generally unrecognized by the scientific community. I hope
this new evidence speaks for itself to further document the
mysterious reality of this long told of wonder that has
remained unrecognized, and largely dismissed as merely a
‘’wild sailor’s tale’.
I have described the ‘Marine Lightwheel’ phenomenon in
detail in previous articles, so will only briefly describe
it here for those who haven’t read or heard of it, and since
the excellent eyewitness accounts of the Milius’ crew
provide a vivid description. Basically, it seems a nearly
unbelievable sight to witness, according to those who’ve
been fortunate enough to have experienced it. It is a rare
phenomenon that can only be seen in waters rich in
bioluminescent plankton-type organisms that are apparently
agitated in a massive area of the water by an
electromagnetically related planetary force that discharges
in geometrically configured shapes as far as the eye can
see, such as huge rimless rotating wheels, expanding and
imploding concentric rings, and spinning spirals among
others. The electromagnetic energy of a source open to
speculation, causes the bioluminescent organisms to
fluoresce with a light greenish blue glow, rapidly moving in
the shapes of and revealing the vortically spinning energy
systems agitating them to flouresce. The displays can
“stretch to the horizon”, moving like “an underwater Disco
light show” at speeds “close to the speed of sound”. All
made visible by the agitated bioluminescent micro-organisms
that fill the water where the, what would otherwise be
invisible, seemingly electromagnetic, and wide ranging
‘energy discharges’ occur.
There is another enigmatic, long reported, and until only
recently called ‘mysterious’, phenomenon known as “Milky
Seas”. The strange white glowing waters of ‘Milky Seas’ has
been seen in some areas where Lightwheels have also been
consistently reported, and these reports also go back many
centuries. They are not at all the same phenomenon, though
both are associated with the presence of high levels of
certain, but different, bioluminescent organisms that can be
found at varying times and densities in the waters where
both phenomena have both been reported. ‘Milky Seas’ were
presumably first photographed from Space in 2005 off the
upper East coast of Somalia in the Arabian Sea, but the only
on site report of direct eyewitness observations of Milky
Seas in the same area as the 2005 image was from a 1995
ship’s report. (Ref. 6) I am not fully convinced that it
couldn’t have been a Lightwheel occurrence that was captured
from Space in 2005, given the lack of direct evidence, and
the fact that I think it possible that, considering the
reported near ‘speed of sound’ motion of the massive
geometric Lightwheel displays, both phenomena might possibly
appear similar from Space in an extended time exposure. Even
the Milky Seas experts have said it’s only their speculation
that Milky Seas is what is seen in the 2005 satellite
images. The April 11 sighting occurred in approximately the
center of the Arabian/Persian Gulf, WNW of the Straits of Hormuz.
Fig.2 Arabian Gulf (aka: Persian Gulf) map
Courtesy Wikipedia Commons |
The following are the actual and amazing eyewitness
accounts, vividly told by the three members of the crew of the
USS Milius, including the Ship’s Commander, of their Marine
Lightwheel sighting of April 2009.
Commander Kendall Gennick
provided the following details on the Conditions at the
time of the sighting and his personal description, sent home to
family members before the crew had found my article and
discovered what it was they had seen.
Time: 2030-2130 D April 11, 2009
Position: 26 59.4N 051 39.5E in the Central Arabian Gulf
Wind: 22 KTS from 081 degrees true
Temperature: 72 F/ 22 C
Sea Temp: 75 F/ 24 C
Pressure: 29.76
Cloud Cover 3/8
Moonrise: 2051 D
Illumination: 95%*
*Actual visible illumination was much less due to cloud cover.
Fig.3 Arabian Gulf and Strait of Hormuz
Satellite image courtesy NASA |
CDR Gennick’ continued with this:
“My description to my family:
Imagine standing on the bridge wing of a ship on a dark
moonless overcast night. Looking down at the water from a
height of about 50 feet. Just above the surface of the sea
appears to be waves of white light (low intensity) pulsating
out of nowhere with a synchronized rhythm. Outward expanding
circles, inward imploding circles, waves, moving snakes and
boomerangs! The waves of light appear to be traveling at or
near the speed of sound and reach as far out on the horizon
as the eye can see. With each pulse, the sea explodes with
millions of tiny green lights that appear as emeralds on the
surface of the water (bioluminescent). It was Incredible and
almost unbelievable. It would be hard for me to
believe if I had not seen it myself. The light show
continued for about 40 minutes before we steamed out of the
area and it faded in our wake.
It is something I will remember the rest of my life!”
- Commander Kendall Gennick, USS MIlius (DDG69)
The Executive Officer of the USS Milius wrote the
following description to his family:
“Last night the ship passed through a bizarre natural
phenomenon. Don’t know what it was and have never read about
anything like it. There was energy hovering and spinning
just above the water. It was pulsating. A little like
glowing mist but it spun and moved faster than the waves and
made circles and other patterns. It sped out as far as you
could see and lasted over 20 minutes. Like the northern
lights but on the surface of the water and not in the sky.
There was also lightning in the air and tons of florescent
plankton in the water and maybe that had something to do
with it but not really sure. It was definitely something
like St. Elmo’s Fire or Ball Lightning and I suspect I will
never see it again.”
And a detailed report from the Ship’s Navigator, who
witnessed the entire event:
“I assumed the watch as Officer of the Deck with all
conditions normal. As the Ship’s Navigator, I had previously
plotted a track that would take us from a day time operating
area to our assigned night area. Tankers, Dhows, and other
sea traffic made it apparent that we would have a much
easier transit by altering course to the north, maintaining
a comfortable distance from a previously discovered
uncharted oil platform, and eventually maneuvering to the
west to assume our new station. After a quick call to the
Captain, our plans had been changed to do just that. At
approximately 2030, just as I passing the closest point of
approach with the oil platform, I glanced out to the
starboard bridge wing and noticed what appeared to be strong
waves hitting us directly on our beam. The ship had less
than a single degree of list and virtually no roll so I went
out on the bridge wing for a closer look.
The first look at this light did not indicate that any
swirls or circles were involved. Just long straight waves
traveling from the horizon spanning out to the left and
right as far as the eye could see. I was very impressed by
the speed and consistency of the waves. The distance between
the waves was about the same width as the waves themselves
(on the order of ten to twenty feet) but, it was very
difficult to measure the size or the speed. I pointed them
out to the other bridge watch standers and we stood there in
awe. Theories and possible explanations started immediately…
could it be our radars?
It became obvious that I would need to call the Captain,
what was not obvious was exactly what to tell him. Obviously
the USN does not have a standard report format for this
situation. “Captain, this is the Officer of the Deck. We
have a… strange light phenomenon occurring up here that I
can’t really explain. It’s…” as I remember it. His response
“I’ll be right up!”
When the Captain arrived on the bridge the light patterns
had begun to change. One of the most difficult things for me
to determine was whether the pattern themselves were
shifting or if we were simply driving into a different
section of the phenomenon. As we progressed toward what I
believe was near the center, I distinctly remember seeing
central points that circles of light originated at and grew
in 360 degrees. This reminded me of the impact of a drop of
water hitting the surface of a calm body of water except
that this wave traveled much faster.
My scientific side kicked in. I did suspect that
bioluminescence was at least partially responsible for the
light show at hand. Generally this is caused when the ship’s
wake disturbs species. It tends to glow in a bright green
color, much like that of a phosphorescent light stick. It
usually splits like a giant V from the ship’s hull as we
pass through the water. If something biological was being
disturbed then what was causing it? Looking at the speed and
pattern… I assumed that it was sound. It was obviously
slower than light but much quicker than anything that I had
ever seen caused by wind or waves.
That theory was quickly put to rest when the spirals began.
It wasn’t as if something was producing the light at the
center and it was following the spiral by growing. More like
if you had a giant light that had a spiral cutout blocking
part of it and then rotated it. Like something that belonged
on a dance floor. The centers of these spirals passed
directly down our ships beam. You could pinpoint the exact
center. I couldn’t believe or begin to explain what I was
The Captain had me call the Executive Officer and he soon
after invited the crew to the bridge. His description to the
crew was similar to the one I had previously given the
Captain. About fifty of our crew members began filing into
the pilot house. Their reaction and the environment it
created reminded me of watching a fireworks display on the
forth of July… for the first time. Very fun and exciting,
certainly not what I had expected for my after dinner watch.
As we transited at about 7 knots, the light began to fade. I
thought that maybe it was over. The Captain had us turn to a
reciprocal course and after a few minutes of back tracking
the light was back. This was happening in an area that I
believe was only a few miles in diameter.
Having the deck, I didn’t have a chance to grab my own
camera, and as far as I know, none of the pictures taken
actually display what we were seeing. The Executive Officer
thought that maybe it was St. Elmo’s fire. A quick internet
search disproved that theory.
It was two days later before someone discovered the link to The description of the Marine
light wheels was spot on. The only difference that I might
point out between the sketches and what I witnessed was that
I didn’t see the patterns overlap at any point.
I’m left with a mixed of feeling of being happy that I was
lucky enough to see this and a real confusion about the
‘force’ that activates the light. The closest comparison
that I can draw is to Magnetism. But even lines of flux do
not take on such perfect symmetry. I truly hope but somehow
doubt that I will witness this again.”
-End of the Navigator’s report.
CDR Gennick added the following further observations:
“Other observations: The light waves were unaffected by
wind. They traveled at the same speed upwind and downwind.
The further the light wave got from the ship, they began to
appear as just waves vice geometric designs. There was
thunderstorm and lightning activity in the region that
-End of Milius’ crew reports. (Ref. 7)
I cannot adequately express my amazement and elation at
having learned of this highly significant event, nor my
gratitude to these dedicated Navy officers who shared their
extraordinary experiences and observations with me; someone
who has long sought to document this mysterious phenomenon
and help bring it into the light of serious scientific
inquiry and, ultimately, hopefully, to recognition of its
reality and a much wider understanding. This recent
sighting, added to the spectacular sighting by 30
crewmembers of the US Navy Ship Concord in the Strait of
Hormuz, as documented in my 2007 article, makes an
unprecedented total of 80 US Navy crewmembers in two years
to have witnessed such awesome performances of this
particular type of Earth’s ‘Natural Magic’. It provides
intensely compelling and highly credible evidence of the
reality of a long told of marine phenomenon thought by most
to be only an outlandish Seafarers legend.
Kris Sherwood
April 2009
Ref. 1 - The Books of Charles Fort Henry Holt & Company, New
York 1941
Ref. 2 - Handbook of Unusual Natural Phenomenon William R.
Corliss, Crown Publishing New York 1986
Ref. 3 – Invisible Residents Ivan T. Sanderson, World
Publishing Co. 1970
Ref. 4 – ‘Marine Lightwheels – Crop Circles of the Sea?’
Kris Sherwood Copyright 1997. As published in Nexus Magazine
1997, and online at:
Ref. 5 – ‘Spectacular Marine Lightwheel Display Witnessed by
Navy Crew
in the Straits of Hormuz May 19, 2007’, Kris
Sherwood Copyright 2007, and online at:
Ref. 6 - Miller, S.D., S.H.D. Haddock, C.D.
Elvidge, T.F. Lee. (2005) Detection of a bioluminescent milky
sea from space. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 102:14181-14184. Online
Ref. 7 – Original comments and observations of Marine Lightwheel
event of April 11, 2009 as told by USS Milius CDR Kendall
Gennick, XO/LCDR Levy, and the ship’s Navigator (name not
included in report).
Image credits:
Fig. 1 - USS Milius at sea displaying battle ensign - Public
Domain image from Official USS Milius’ website:
Fig. 2 - Arabian Gulf (also known as Persian Gulf) map. Courtesy
Wikipedia Commons:
Fig. 3 - Arabian Gulf and Strait of Hormuz. Satellite image
courtesy NASA
Dedicated to the crew of the USS Milius, with gratitude and
in great admiration of the vital and extremely challenging job
they have chosen to selflessly do in order to protect and serve,
even to the sharing of their valuable experience and
contributions toward scientific documentation and, hopefully,
eventual recognition and better understanding of the Marine
Lightwheel phenomenon. – K.S.
Kris Sherwood - Copyright 2009
Copyright Ed and Kris Sherwood/Millennium Research
2004-2009 Ed & Kris Sherwood
All Rights
Please make
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