The following text is extracted from a published article entitled:
‘The Word
Is Nine:
Crop Circle Metaphors of 1997’ - Part One, and a forthcoming article
‘Crop Circles & Sound: A Twelve Year Investigation’ – Part One,
by Ed Sherwood. It is also a book in process, of the same title,
by Ed & Kris Sherwood.
Chilcomb Crop Circle Pictogram of 1990
By Ed Sherwood
In August 1990, I
(Ed Sherwood) began to investigate ‘Sonic energy’, and its effects, for
clues about how non-manmade crop circle formations might be formed and,
while checking an old physics book in my collection, found a diagram
symbolizing ‘The Interference of Sound Waves’ from a
‘tuning fork’, reflected in a Crop Circle pictogram, discovered
two months earlier, near Chilcomb in Hampshire (Fig. 1).
(Fig.1 - Above Left)
The Chilcomb Crop Circle Formation
Hampshire, UK - Discovered June 6th 1990
Drawing Copyright
Ed Sherwood/Millennium Research |
(Fig.2 - Above
The Associated Sound Waves from
a Vibrating Tuning Fork
Based on an
original Diagram Copyright
1969 H.J.P.
Keighley & F.R. McKim |
At the center of the diagram, A, are two bars B and C,
representing a vibrating tuning fork with its associated sound waves, as
viewed from above. D, E, F, and G represent ‘lines of
minimum sound intensity’ created by the interference effects of
two sets of sound waves, compressed and rarefracted, leaving one set
half a wavelength in advance of the other. Where they almost coincide a
listener positioned along these lines would experience almost complete
(Fig. 2).
As if to doubly affirm the role that sound plays in the physics of
non-manmade crop circle creation, the Chilcomb pictogram, symbolizing the
effects of sonic energy, formed in wheat, on June 6th 1990, only a
few fields from where the first sophisticated Crop Circle
surveillance operation (Operation ‘White Crow’) was held the previous
June, and where a mysterious ‘trilling’ sound was heard and
recorded in association with the appearance of a non-manmade Crop Circle
formation (Ref 8)!
Amazingly, the Chilcomb formation depicted both the audible and inaudible
aspect of the interference of sound waves, and by its inference the two
types of sounds recorded inside certain Crop Circle formations. It also
beautifully symbolized
‘The Word’ (Ref. 1, ‘In the beginning was the Word’, and the Word was with
God, and the Word was God.’ John 1:1), by combining in the form of a
simple graphic one of the oldest sacred symbols used by ancient cultures
around the world to represent the Sun and God (‘The Creator’, or ‘Creator
God’); a circle with a ‘dot’ at its center, represented in the Crop Circle
pictogram by the outer ring and the central circle, with four ‘ring arcs’
or sound waves to symbolize The Word, and Creation,
including it seems, non-manmade Crop Circle creation by The Word!
The Chilcomb Crop Circle formation opened my eyes to the metaphorical
language of Crop Circle design symbolism, and was the first pictogram I
‘deciphered’. The following year I learned that professor Gerald S Hawkins
had discovered ‘musical ratios’ reflected in the mathematics and
geometry of certain Crop Circle formations, including the Chilcomb
To be continued …
Copyright March 2003 Ed Sherwood/Millennium Research
All rights
The Word Is Nine: Crop Circle Metaphors of 1997’ – Part One,
Ed Sherwood, Millennium Research, June 1998. A heavily edited version
was also published in ‘The Circular’ magazine (Issue 32 September 1998).
The article includes many Crop Circle research observations I made in
revealing how sonic and particularly ultrasonic energy can explain many of
the anomalous biophysical effects found in many Crop Circle formations
plants and soil.
The article also presents an abundance of clues linking ‘sound’ and a
Divine ‘Source’, to non-manmade Crop Circle creation, symbolized in the
timing, placing, geometry, mathematics, numerology, design symbolism and
meaning of many pictograms.
1) The Holy Bible, King James Version
2003-2009 Ed & Kris Sherwood
All Rights
Please make
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