Crop Circles & Sound
A Twelve Year Investigation


MUFON Talk 2002 Chilcolm Crop Circle MUFON Talk 2002

August 21, 2002
8:00 PM
- Talk & Slide Presentation
With Ed & Kris Sherwood
Venue: Beverly Garland Holiday Inn
4222 Vineland Ave., North Hollywood

By Ed Sherwood
With contributing research by Kris Sherwood

In 1990 Ed Sherwood discovered that ‘Sound’ could be involved in the physics
of non-manmade Crop Circle creation, and that ‘Ultrasonic’ energy, might explain many of the anomalous biophysical effects observed in certain Crop Circle formations plants and soil. Ed also found ancient sacred symbols, and ‘interference patterns’, associated with the physics and metaphysics of sound, and ultrasound, depicted in non-manmade Crop Circle formations.

In this presentation, Ed and Kris will reveal how sonic and ultrasonic energy has been heard, recorded, and depicted in non-manmade Crop Circle formations. They will also reveal how ground breaking experiments and scientific research conducted in the 1960s, exposing various plant species to different forms of music, musical notes and frequencies, supports the biophysical evidence observed and documented at non-manmade Crop Circle sites, affirmed by the findings of noted biophysicist W.C. Levengood.


Ed (from England) & Kris Sherwood (from California) are internationally known Crop Circle researchers, with more than 30 years combined study and experience of the worldwide Crop Circle phenomenon. They have disseminated their research widely via regional and international radio, television, and video documentaries; yearly talk and slide presentations in the UK and US, including Conference appearances; and illustrated articles for internationally distributed magazines, journals; and websites.

*      *      *

Read a review of this talk in the December/January issue of UFO Magazine (US)
By Camille James Harman


Above photographs copyright ã 2003 David Mitchell


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