Chronicle of an Angel Foretold
How the ‘Angel’ Crop Circle Formation of 2001
at Magog Down Was Foreshadowed
in the 1994 Comet Impact on Jupiter!

By Kris Sherwood

Also refer to related article.

In more than thirty five combined years that Ed and I have been studying the Crop Circle phenomenon we have individually and together experienced and observed countless astonishing things associated with it, ranging from unbelievably extraordinary synchronicities, to stunning information contained in the formations themselves that has revealed an omniscient awareness and intelligence behind their designs. It never ceases to amaze me how multi-layered and ingenious some of the encoded information we have found has been, and how even formations many years old still contain stunning information waiting to be discovered, as I recently experienced yet again when I observed another mind boggling correlation between the 1994 Shoemaker-Levy 9 Comet collision and designs that have appeared as non-manmade Crop Circle formations.

Most of the formations that depicted aspects and characteristics of the 1994 comet’s path and impact on Jupiter appeared in England in the Summer of 1994 as events on Jupiter unfolded. I had many revelatory insights and observations in relation to this event at the time and wrote a widely published article called The Scorpius Hour of 1994 (Ref. 1) that detailed my observations, and provided what is considered by many to be compelling evidence that many of the non-manmade Crop Circle formations of 1994 could not have been conceived by anything but an all knowing and interactive source of Intelligence and consciousness.

Ed and I have been witness to the unfolding of the miraculous communication given in the fields over a span of twenty years, and for the last ten have dedicated ourselves to sharing what we have found through our research. The implications of which we feel are so profound that our lives’ purpose is in chronicling and sharing it. Unfortunately, we have had to do this in the face of a consistent lack of cooperation or support from many of our ‘fellow’ researchers and in cases even to aggressive blocking of our attempts to share our work. These signs on the land and what they mean for humanity are far too important to go unrecognized for what they were even if some would like to perpetuate the ‘mystery’, or cannot distinguish the undeniable evidence. It is our hope that the historic record will be examined at some point in the future and the miraculous communication that has been delivered will eventually be fully recognized and received by all.

Fig. 1 The Angel Crop Circle formation of 2001, found July 25, 2001

Photo copyright and courtesy of Steve Alexander 2001

Amazingly, clues continue to reveal themselves as I experienced last week when I found the Angel Crop Circle formation of 2001 (Fig. 1) had been foreshadowed and captured in a 1994 Hubble Space Telescope photo from Jupiter that I had not seen before. It’s another in a remarkable series of related events that cross reference each other and that Ed and I have written about and presented in our talks for several years, and is among many interactive events we’ve witnessed manifest through the Crop Circle phenomenon. For those who haven’t read my Scorpius Hour article, or the other article I’ll be referencing here: Crop Circle Co-creation 2001 (Ref. 2), written by my research partner and husband, Ed Sherwood, which documents his interactive experiences in 2001 in relation to the Angel Crop Circle formation, I’ll try to summarize them briefly here since they are both intrinsic to fully appreciating the weight of the evidence they provide, and how my most recent discovery brings the astonishments of the Angel formation literally full circle.

Fig. 2 ‘G’ Impact site on Jupiter,
July 21, 1994

Hubble Space Telescope image STSci-1994-33 courtesy STSci and NASA.

Fig. 3 ‘Oliver’s Castle Crescents’ Crop Circle formation, found July 26, 1994
Photo courtesy of and copyright Colin Andrews 1994

In the Summer of 1994 as the historic comet event was taking place on Jupiter non-manmade Crop Circles appeared that mirrored the event as it progressed in the sky, from our vantage point on Earth, in direct line with the head of the constellation of Scorpio. Scorpion designs started to appear in the fields in May and progressed into graded arcs of circles as the comet, strung out in a line of 21 letter coded fragments, began impacting Jupiter. Details that included precise lunar alignments, positions of the comet in relation to Scorpio and Jupiter, major stars in the constellation of Scorpio, and details of the comet’s actual physical effect on the planet’s atmosphere appeared in the formations. The most stunning of which at the time being the image of the comet’s ‘G’ fragment impact (Fig. 2) that I realized had been astonishingly reflected within days of the impact in a Crop Circle that appeared at Roundway Hill in Wiltshire, England. (Fig. 3) The profundity of the consciousness raising event, witnessed live by millions as it happened, that illustrated to us on Earth how vulnerable we were to such a potentially planet killing impact ourselves, and stimulated by the focus of our collective consciousness and the Infinite Intelligence of Creation, had co-created its reflection in the fields!

Fast forward a few years for a bit of ‘back story’: In 1999, as a wedding anniversary gift Ed made me a Medicine Bag in the Native American tradition. (Fig. 4) On it he drew two significant Crop Circle formations that signified to us two extraordinary examples that we had experienced of direct psychic and psychokinetic interaction with the true Circle making Intelligence that we know as God, or the Infinite Intelligence of the Universe. This medicine bag traveled to England a few times with us and was used in many meditations for Earth Healing. On one side of the bag was the 1994 Crop Circle representing the G Impact of the comet on Jupiter. On the other side was the 1997 Crop Circle that appeared in the exact same Roundway Hill location as the 1994 formation had, and had synchronously appeared on the same night that Ed and I were in Glastonbury presenting my 1994 discoveries to an audience for the first time in England.

Fast forward a few more years: In 2001 Ed organized a discreetly filmed solo meditation at an ancient sacred site near Silbury Hill in Wiltshire, England, in an attempt to stimulate an interactive ‘response’ from the true Crop Circle creating ‘Source’, in the form of a non-manmade Crop Circle formation. He and I and two others synchronized from separate locations took part. He kept his plans and the location secret, only revealing it to the film crew of the CircleSpeak documentary just before going to the location where they were to film Ed as he carried out his planned meditation and invocation. With him he had the Medicine
Bag he made for me with the image of the 1994 Crop Circle on it that I had previously identified with the G-Impact site on Jupiter, and was the formation that literally had brought Ed and I together. As the Sun penetrated the horizon Ed held
the bag with the image of the 1994 formation up as
an offering toward the setting Sun in reverence and acknowledgement of God, symbolized in the Sun, as the Intelligence behind the genuine Crop Circle phenomenon. This actual moment was caught on film (Fig. 5) and Ed can
be seen on the CircleSpeak DVD cover as he held his arm up. Three days later the Angel formation was discovered. It’s stunning resemblance to the formation Ed held up to the Sun, its highly synchronous appearance, and many other aspects
of it, that Ed detailed in his Co-creation 2001 article, convinced us there had been an unmistakable interactive response of affirmation from what we call the Primary Source of Crop Circle Creation (Ref.3) to Ed’s actions and our synchronized meditation. A direct affirmation from the Source!

Fig. 4 Ceremonial Medicine Bag made by Ed Sherwood in 1999
Photo copyright Ed Sherwood / Millennium Research 2002

Fig. 5 Ed Sherwood, July 22, 2001 at the West Kennett Longbarrow
in Wiltshire, England, at the moment of his offering to the Sun and God

Photo by Thomas Sorlie for CircleSpeak. Copyright NewLand Films 2001

Later Ed observed that the Medicine Bag’s design itself, with the radial stitching and its thin lined fringe, was remarkably suggestive of the radiating lines seen in the Angel formation.

Another fast forward brings us to the latest and possibly most prophetic revelation of The Angel: My attention had recently been drawn to the Hubble Space Telescope’s website and to images of the 1994 Comet collision on Jupiter. I was stunned at what I found in an image of the G Impact site that I’d not seen before. It was a photo that a filter had been applied to in order to detect the presence of methane in the impact. (Fig. 6) Clearly revealed in the filtered photo image was the shape and the fine radiating lines of the Angel Crop Circle formation of 2001! (Fig. 7) A prophetic affirmation of events to come, hidden seven years previously in an image from the historic event on Jupiter also documented by the Circle making Intelligence, that could only be recognized after the creation of the Angel formation in 2001. I might have found it any time since then but only ‘happened’ upon it in November of 2005.

Fig. 6 ‘G’ Impact site on Jupiter; Methane filter photo, July 20, 1994

Hubble Space Telescope image STSci-1994-32 courtesy STSci and NASA.

Fig. 7 Magog Down Crop Circle Formation
Silhouette Drawing Copyright 2001 Ed Sherwood

What else but an Omniscient, interactive intelligence could have devised such an interwoven time loop of clues? And how vitally significant might the twenty years of miraculous communication be for everyone to recognize and understand?  Ed's and my work attempts to offer answers to these and other significant questions posed by the non-manmade Crop Circle phenomenon.

Kris Sherwood - November 20, 2005

Copyright 2005 Kris Sherwood/Millennium Research
All rights reserved. Links Permitted

Image Credits and References:

Fig. 1) The Angel Crop Circle formation of 2001,reported July 25, 2001.
Photo copyright and courtesy of Steve Alexander 2001
Fig. 2) ‘G’ Impact site on Jupiter, July 21, 1994.
Hubble Space Telescope image STSci-1994-33 courtesy STSci and NASA.
Fig. 3) ‘Oliver’s Castle Crescents’ Crop Circle formation, found July 26, 1994.
Photo courtesy of and copyright Colin Andrews 1994
Fig. 4) Ceremonial Medicine Bag made by Ed Sherwood.
Photo copyright Ed Sherwood/Millennium Research 2002
Fig. 5) Ed Sherwood July 22, 2001 at the West Kennett Longbarrow in Wiltshire, England, at the moment of his offering to the Sun and God.
Photo by Thomas Sorlie for CircleSpeak. Copyright NewLand Films 2001
Fig. 6) ‘G’ Impact site on Jupiter; Methane filter photo, July 20, 1994.
Hubble Space Telescope image STSci-1994-32 courtesy STSci and NASA.
Fig. 7) Magog Down Crop Circle Formation
Silhouette Drawing Copyright 2001 Ed Sherwood
Ref. 1) The Scorpius Hour of 1994
by Kris Sherwood. Copyright 1997/Millennium Research
Online at:
Ref. 2) Crop Circle Co-Creation - 2001: Signs of a Psycho-Spiritual ‘Source’
Behind Non-Manmade Crop Circle Creation at a Place Called Gog Magog
by Ed Sherwood. Copyright 2002/Millennium Research
Online at:
Ref. 3) The Primary & Secondary ‘Source’ Creation of Non-Manmade Crop Circle by Ed Sherwood. Copyright 2001/Millennium Research
Online at:


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