UFOs & Extraterrestrial Contact
A Personal Experience

By Ed Sherwood

Since 1975 I have experienced more than 240 UFO sightings, and or related encounters.

Two distinct ‘types’ of UFO have been observed and or videotaped: 1) Ball Plasma
and 2) Extraterrestrial Technology.

I have experienced more than 60 ball plasma sightings since 1979, with more than 100 observed, including one indoors; and more than 180 Extraterrestrial aerial object sightings since 1975, with more than 200 observed. Many sightings of both types have involved more the one object being observed and or videotaped making the total number of UFOs encountered to date more than 300.

74 sightings have been videotaped, 55 from an apartment building in North West Santa Monica (California, USA), where Kris and I were living and conducting synchronized ETI participation invited Earth Healing and World Peace meditations; ‘Close Encounter of the Fifth Kind’ (CE5) requests; and UFO sky watches of an hour or less.

UFO ‘Close Encounters’ have ranged from the ‘First’ to the ‘Fifth’ Kind, and been observed from distances ranging from approximately ten miles (using known landmarks) to thirty feet away. Most of the encounters with ball plasma and Extraterrestrial technology type UFO’s were either,
clairvoyantly remotely sensed, remotely viewed and or psychically viewed (by other means) by myself before they became visible to other observers, and were also multiple independent eyewitness incidents.

To date, I have experienced no less than nine ‘Close Encounters of the Third Kind’, or ‘CE3’s’. Four of these involved the same Extraterrestrial being and occurred in December 1974 (Ref.1), September 1979 (Ref.2), December 1980 (Ref.3), and July 1992 (Ref.4). Additional CE3’s involved a MIB encounter in March 1981 (Ref.5); a shocking incident with three ‘Ikal’ like entities in September 1984 (Ref.6); a ‘life-saving’ encounter with three tall cloaked being's in November 1992 (Ref.7); and two violating short ‘Grey’ encounters in July 1993 (Ref.8). If I include what I strongly suspect were two ‘Unidentified Flying Humanoid’ or ‘UFH’ encounters: one in November 2004 (Ref.10), and another in August 2005 (Ref.11), both of which I videotaped, then the number of CE3’s I am aware of having encountered since 1974, and the number of beings and types of beings I have experienced, increases. 

In December 1974 and again in September 1979 a single Extraterrestrial being asked me telepathically “Do you remember?” and what followed on both occasions was a super-conscious ‘flash flood’ of mental ‘impressions’, knowledge and knowing that has affected my entire life. It was a mind expanding experience and a personal spiritual ‘awakening’ to realize in my formative years, at age nine and fourteen, something about ‘who’ I had been, where I had come from, and where I was going as a ‘soul’. I also learned why I was here and what my ‘soul purpose’ was in this lifetime.
After these two encounters, and one I would experience in December 1980, the course of my current human life ‘track’ was profoundly influenced.  

From the first Extraterrestrial being encounter and ‘vision’ like experience of ‘remembering’ I understood I had ‘remotely viewed’ a little of my soul history and future, relating to this lifetime, and with this knowledge my general awareness and outlook on life was instantly changed.
Many people experience a major ‘trauma’ in their lives and afterwards feel their life ‘partitioned’ by it. Initially the most frightening experience of my life, the first Extraterrestrial being encounter and experience of soul viewing was the same for me, and perhaps not surprisingly, with this incident also occurred a period of memory and time that was, and still is to this day, ‘missing’. ‘Hidden’ from recall it is known in UFOlogy as ‘missing memory’ and ‘missing time’ and can occur for a number of possible reasons.

One is because what is experienced is so overwhelming emotionally and often physically that the ‘traumatic’ part of it is ‘blanked out’ from memory. Sometimes Extraterrestrial intelligences do not wish the ‘experiencer’ to remember too and unconsciousness or hypnosis is involved causing a blank or a forgetting to occur, sometimes replaced by what is called a ‘screen memory’ that masks the actual incident. In my case, I have always suspected the former since the purpose of the being's presence, single question and effect of asking it, seemed to be solely to stimulate me to remember. However, I was nine when the first encounter occurred and what I experienced was a lot to absorb, accept and understand in detail, and to integrate into my otherwise very different human family and societal life. Also, my initial response was paralyzing fear and though I have no further memory of being afraid after the being communicated “Don’t be afraid, I’m not going to hurt you”, and then asked, “Do you remember?” I simply cannot recall how the CE3 ended.

What happened after the ‘soul viewing’ experience? Did the being disappear before or afterwards? Did anything else happen? Was there any further communication? I don’t know. I can still remember vividly, as if it happened yesterday, climbing down from the top of a bunk bed I shared with my half brother, Phillip, as he slept below; and standing by it waiting for something to appear in the darkest corner of the room; and the hairs on the back of my neck standing up as it did; and the fear and paralysis that accompanied its appearance; and the being; and the communication; and the soul viewing experience, that is, what I could retain of it, but the ‘end’ of the experience is a complete blank, despite many attempts to recall it. Six years later, I would encounter the same being again while taking the family dog for a walk and experience the same paralyzing fear, and be left with another period of missing memory and time (Ref.3).

Ed Sherwood – March 2009


The missing memory of the 1974 ETI encounter was so effectively ‘missing’ that despite vividly recounting the experience, to a number of people since then, it wasn’t until a UFO researcher named Clive Potter conducted a taped interview with me in 1991 (17 years later) that I realized I had no memory of how the experience ended (Ref.1).

Apart from the encounters briefly mentioned above, there was an additional incident in July 1993 that involved another witness, named Fiona Hayes, that I’m sure was also a CE3, despite my being unable to remember what happened due to an incident of shared missing memory and missing time (Ref.9).

The incident occurred as Fiona and I were returning to the ‘Vale of Pewsey’ from Stonehenge, after completing an eventful meditation there, with the intension of conducting a ‘Close Encounter of the Fifth Kind’ or ‘CE5’, or human initiated UFO and or ETI encounter, at a little known yet historically significant ancient sacred site called ‘Swanborough Tump’, near Pewsey.

Weeks before we had clairvoyantly sensed this would be the location of a widely expected UFO ‘anniversary’ incident that summer and where as it happened a UFO did appear, accompanied by a great aerial flash of ‘blue-green light, and a local power outage, after our intended arrival and shared experience of missing memory and time.

Soon after the incident I learned of the multiple eyewitnesses who had observed the aerial flash and UFO from Knapp Hill and Woodborough Hill, and other locations in the valley, including a lone driver nearing the ‘Wood Bridge Inn’ roundabout from Rushall, who briefly observed a low flying brilliant luminous green and white UFO pass over his car, heading South above the A345 towards Upavon; the village Fiona and I had been approaching from Amesbury, on the A345, before our experience; which included losing consciousness suddenly as we passed West Chisenbury (the last hamlet before Upavon), and waking a ‘second’ later on a different stretch of the A345, more than five miles away, and an hour later (around 1am), approaching Pewsey (Ref.9).
Shocked and confused I turned to Fiona, who looked ‘as white as a sheet’, and I asked, “What happened?”
“I don’t know”
she replied and continued driving. Neither of us spoke after that and we quickly returned to Pewsey, and retired soon afterwards, exhausted by the experience we couldn’t remember.

Three years later, in the US, I received an interesting answer to a lingering question about that night when I asked a reputed psychic (unknown to myself), during a public question session, and in a straightforward non-hinting manner, “Could you tell me please what happened on July 27th 1993 while returning from Stonehenge?” And after a very brief pause he replied, “The implant was taken out.”  What he couldn’t have known by ordinary means, including by guessing and or ‘cold reading’ was, only a week before the shared missing memory and time incident, which my question had related to, I had been painfully ‘implanted’, against my will, by a small ‘Grey’ ETI that had paid me a very unwelcome visit late one night while Fiona was asleep (Ref.8). It was my second known encounter with this type of being while closely involved with Fiona, who had informed me soon after our first meeting that she thought she was being abducted; had been followed one time by a luminous green UFO while driving from Dorset to Wiltshire; and seemed genuinely afraid. Ironically having experienced multiple close encounters of the ‘first’ to the ‘fifth’ kind before meeting Fiona and having learned how to overcome fear of ‘third’ and ‘fourth’ kind encounters (the latter being more than one Close Encounter of the Third Kind), I offered to help, not knowing months later it would be me needing the help, and perhaps receiving it one night on a stretch of road between Stonehenge and Swanborough Tump (Ref.9).
Copyright 2009 Ed Sherwood

All Rights Reserved
Links Permitted


1) Do You Remember? (Link & URL to follow…)

2) Permission To Go Onboard (Link & URL to follow…)

3) Close & Personal (Link & URL to follow…)

4) First Contact (Link & URL to follow…)

5) The MIB Encounter (Link & URL to follow…)

6) Alien Attack (Link & URL to follow…)

7) A Pain In The Neck (Link & URL to follow…)

8) Implanted (Link & URL to follow…)

9) Shared ‘Missing Memory’ and ‘Missing Time’  (Link & URL to follow…)
10) An ‘Unidentified Flying Humanoid’ Videotaped Above Santa Monica?

11) Another ‘Flying Humanoid’ Videotaped Above Santa Monica?

For more information, images and videos view:

UFO SIGHTINGS - Part 1-10 & 11 on YouTube.com: (Search: circlescribe, and PLAYLISTS)

UFO SIGHTINGS – Part 1-10 -

UFO SIGHTINGS – Part 1 (Updated) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xe8IS_gN_pQ&t=21s


UFO SIGHTINGS – Part 3 (Updated) -




UFOs & ET CONTACT – Part 1-8 (Updated)

UFOs & ET CONTACT – Part 1 (Updated) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7tT65leodw

UFOs & ET CONTACT – Part 2 (Updated) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GMtxvvT5Ws

– Part 3 (Updated) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Inm-KOmkABg

– Part 4 (Updated) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJxh2KnNoqE&t=3s

– Part 5 (Updated) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKrdv0hrVB0

– Part 6 (Updated) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lZsu0Sl2Sk&t=1s

UFOs & ET CONTACT – Part 7 (Updated) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGV29pS2wn8&t=1s

UFOs & ET CONTACT – Part 8 (Updated) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhewqGCnscs&t=1s

And the following links:


News - http://www.cropcircleanswers.com/news.htm

Major Interview on Crop Circles

Ed & Kris Sherwood’s UFO Sightings

Millennium Research - http://www.cropcircleanswers.com/millenniumresearch.htm

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