Lincolnshire Farmer Witnesses Non-Manmade Crop Circle
By Ed Sherwood
On August 12th 1990, I examined the site of
a non-manmade Crop Circle and interviewed the witness to the
circles creation. From notes that I took during the
investigation I documented the following account.
approximately 3pm, in the first week of August, Mr. Cunningham,
a ‘no nonsense’ Lincolnshire farmer with more than thirty years
experience of working the rich Fenland soil of England, with no
prior interest in Crop Circles, drove his tractor to a field of
young Brussels sprout
plants on
a baking hot dry dusty day. It was the
summer heat wave of 1990. The sky was a clear blue, and
everything seemed normal with his crop, until something
invisible suddenly
‘hit’ his tractor with considerable force. Getting out of the
vehicle, he immediately felt a
damp icy cold breeze
go past him.
A second or two later, about twenty feet
away, close to the edge of the field, Mr. Cunningham heard and
saw an expanding circular area of Brussels spouts begin to
rustle and
rotate rapidly
outwards from a central point. Shocked and somewhat unnerved by
the dramatic event, he moved away from the tractor and hid
behind a nearby grassy embankment, as the circle creating force
uprooted some of the swirling plants and threw them out into
what was otherwise motionless standing crop. When the circle was
approximately 30 feet wide, all of the plants inside the circle
were suddenly flattened (bent) to the ground, followed by silence.
Recounting the experience in the field to Rita Gould, Vince
Palmer and myself, about a week after the event, Mr. Cunningham
said what amazed him the most, apart from the Crop Circles
mysterious appearance, was that
no dust was generated
during its creation, by the crop
rustling, swirling, unearthing, bending and flattening,
despite the fact it hadn’t rained for a least two weeks, and the
circle had formed on a very hot, dry, dusty, soil parched day,
when just to walk into the field produced a dust cloud.
Why didn’t the force of the Crop
Circle creating ‘wind’ agitate the dust I wondered?
Perhaps the dampness of a
grounding ‘icy cold’ ball plasma caused this effect or its
electrostatic field? Particulate matter, both airborne and
non-air airborne, having much less mass than Brussels sprout
plants was perhaps drawn to the ground first, before the plants,
and throughout the circle creating process, after receiving an
enveloping positive electrical charge, like the surface of the
rustling plants, attracting and pinning all particulates to the
negatively charged earth?
Carefully examining the
Crop Circle site, after very few people had visited it, I found
many, easy to bruise and break, brittle young Brussels sprout
plants bent 90 degrees,
just above the ground, without a sign
of damage. The plants
looked as if they had been
‘formed’ into position
like the English Plantain in
The 1996
Laguna Canyon Crop Circle Pictogram
and plants I examined in many other formations, from 1990 to
2000, soon after their appearance (i.e.: plants bent 90 degrees,
in addition to their natural bend, near and or above
ground level, without a break, bruise or crease).
I also saw plants around the edge
of the circle, with soil still attached to their roots,
unearthed and thrown into the
field, and on top of a hedge nearby, from the centrifugal force
of the clockwise swirled crop.
As with many other
cases of non-manmade Crop Circle formation there was a
significant body of water
nearby, in the form of a miles long canal wide fenland water
drainage channel, called the ‘South Forty-Foot Drain’, just
beyond the hedgerow that flanked one side of the field.
Interesting, I thought, the farmer
reported feeling ‘a damp
icy cold breeze go passed him’ during what was otherwise a very
dry, hot, summer heat wave day.
Mr. Cunningham’s
experience of Crop Circle creation, at a remote location near
Pinchbeck West, in Lincolnshire, is, in my view, one of the most
credible and telling eyewitness accounts of non-manmade Crop
Circle formation on record.
Ed Sherwood – August 1990 (Edited slightly in 2024)
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