The Sophistication of Agriglyph
1992 John Martineau
The 1991 East
Kennett Crop Circle Formation
Discovered July 26th
1992 John Martineau
Alton Priors 1991 –
Design illustrating Circle Radii Harmonies
‘The top part of the diagram shows just the circles present in the
main body of the formation with the white circles indicating
standing crop as usual. In the bottom motif, all of the radii
present in the formation have been employed, some duplicated, to
create a circular design which illustrates how certain radii
correspond with others in the formation. In this design the black
and white areas are purely diagrammatic and bear no relation to
crop, standing or flattened.’
Quoted from John Martineau’s cornerstone Crop Circle book
‘The Sophistication of Agriglyph Geometry’
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