Most Recent Publication:
Plasmas’ Filmed Interacting with Observers
Before, During, and After, a Group Meditation!
UFO Magazine (UK) – Jan 2004/Volume 22 #2
Crop Circle Co-Creation - 2001
Signs of a Psycho-Spiritual 'Source' Behind Non-Manmade
Crop circle Creation at a Place Called 'Gog Magog'
UFO Magazine (UK) - July 2002/Volume 22 #2 - Part 1
UFO Magazine (UK) - August 2002/Volume 22 #3 - Part 2
The Cereologist - Autumn 2002/Issue #33 - Parts 1 & 2
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Deus ex Sol
Solar Logos and Helioseismology Depicted
in Crop Circle Formations
UFO Magazine (UK) - Volume 21 #3 2002
The Cereologist - Issue #32
Sedona Journal of Emergence - June 2002
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An Extraordinary
'Ice Ring' in Churchville, Maryland
The First Authentic 'Crop Circle' Pictogram of 2001?
UFO Magazine - (UK) Volume 20 #5 2001
The Cereologist - Issue #31 Summer 2001
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The Philosopher's Stone
'A Stone Most Precious'
The Circular - Issue #36 September 1999
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Marine Light Wheels
'Crop Circle' of the Sea?
With Update
Nexus Magazine - Volume 4 #3 (April/May) 1997
Skysearch Magazine - Issue 7 1997
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The Word Is Nine
Crop Circle Metaphors of 1997 (Part 1)
The Circular - Issue 32 September 1998
(A heavily edited version)
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The Scorpius Hour of 1994
From Beyond - Volume 1 Issue 10 1998
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"Let Us Remember
A Meteorological Connection in Crop Circles
Sightings - Volume 2 Issue 4 1997
Connections - Summer 1998
Skywatch Magazine - Issue 10 1997
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Two Views of the
Same Fractal
Sedona Journal of Emergence - October 1996
Skywatch Magazine - Issue 6 1997
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The 1996 Laguna
Canyon Crop Circle Formation
A Preliminary Report
Skysearch Magazine - Autumn Issue 1996
Earth First - March/April 1998
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