'Creek Bed'
California, USA
Psychic Photography Experiment - 3


Photo © 1999 David Mitchell

March 14th 1999
Participants: Ed & Kris Sherwood, David Mitchell & Brian Milburn

Above, is an example of what appears to be one or more 'subtle energy' luminosity in motion,
or a moving 'mass' of 'luminous mist'; a form of 'Chi' energy, photographed edge on and close up
at a mountain trail 'leyline vortex' that Ed and Kris Sherwood call the Creek Bed.

The photograph was taken by David Mitchell using a manual 35mm camera
after Kris suggested taking a few pre-meditation photographs of the meditation site,
for possible 'intention generated' luminosities, moments before Ed, Kris and Brian took positions
there to hold a 'Leyline Activation' and 'Earth Healing' visualization meditation.

Photo 8 shows luminous and what appears to be 'dark' energy
(ie: subtle energy perhaps absorbing light rather than emitting it? The 'Yin'
and 'Yang' of 'Dragon's Breath') present at the geomantic 'centre' of the leyline vortex,
and spot of the group meditation, just prior to holding it.


As recorded on a number of occasions before and after Psychic Photography
experiments held at the Creek Bed, and other vortex sites, there was an absence of foreground
detail in the photograph ordinarily illuminated by the camera flash.
In each case it was as if the subtle energy luminosity was emitting and absorbing available light,
including illumination provided by the flash.

*      *      *

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